Saturday, June 12, 2010

Watching TV

Watching TV
Watching television is significant activity because people acquire to know advancement of the world. People don’t pleasure to be out of trend so they need to update in diary. An advantage of watching television is the world's advanced knowledge and fashion. The second advantage is to relax such as watching cartoon. Human is an only organism that is busy all the time so they need to some time to rest. Beside that there are many disadvantages too. First disadvantage is myopic, which are eyes receiving damage from light radiation and become blurry vision in short distance. There is a way to fix this problem that is closing eyes for about five minutes in every hour watching television. The second disadvantage is over advertising about products on television. The products have good and bad side so people have to study on the products carefully. Also, we need a good analysis in order to choose the best product. The limit of watching television is about 7 hours. If we break the rule, it makes a terrible effect, which is dizzy and headache. Many people always turn on television and does something else in the same time become a bad habit. Every time we turn on television the light radiation will affect the people’s eyes anyway.

I think people should not watch television for having fun all day because it is waste of time. Especially, Children should not watch TV over the limit because children need other activity such as sport for growing.

This is a video about children are copying an advertise.

Football betting

Football betting
Nowadays, football betting is spreading currently all around the world. Majority people think that football betting is played by adults but in recently year, this activity is approaching to many youths. Football betting rate is continuing grow from a hundred thousand to ten million people in few years. The football betting ruins many people life especially poor people. Also, many riches become poor cause of football betting. Many middle class come with a hope to be rich in a football game so they take a risk to wager all entire life’s money. There are many problems fellow football betting. If they win, they is wealthy, but if they lose, they suicide. Even though, they suicide in order to avoid a dept that he make but there are family, who is to pay dept for them. Therefore, football is not so popular as much as today because football is a sport to entertain audiences. Later, people create an activity to make football game become more entertainment that is football betting. There are billions dollars circulate between dealer and subsidiary. In some country football betting is illegal but some country is legal. People in some country, they know limit of gambling so government can make gambling as a legal activity.

I think football betting ruin people life so we should not try it even though we play for fun. First reason is trying a football betting make people addiction in betting. Last, when people lose gambling, they want to regain the money.

Football betting website

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pumpkin cannon

Pumpkin cannon
Currently, many inventions are created by human and every invention was created by different purpose. Some of them might create for working and some of them create for playing. People brain is so intelligent such as pumpkin cannon is an invention for playing. Relaxing people is the purpose of pumpkin cannon because people will enjoy and relax when they see something so surprise.

Pumpkin cannon have powerful force to destroy things. It can be compare with a weapon because the power of it can kill people easily. The pumpkin cannon is difficult to hurt people because it is unable to move flexible. It is huge and need time to charge for about 3 seconds. We can say it is alike normal cannon or bazooka that we use in war. Pumpkin cannon uses air pressure to drive pumpkin to a target and impact in an area. Material that making machine or cannon must be tough and strong in order to explode gas and use explode pressure to push pumpkin.

Pumpkin cannon's power photo

I think the one who create this must have no purpose because it is a type of toy for riches. The pumpkin cannon is expensive and waste of money so no many people gather it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Currently, majority people want to be wealth, famous and power but some of them don’t receive a chance to reach what they want. First, a lot of people have a little knowledge, which is very significant to be successor, and the reason, family status is poor so the parents of children don’t have money enough to afford the children to school. Consequently, the children lack knowledge and become unsuccessfully youth when they grow up. Although poor children don’t receive a chance, they have the ambition because people, who have nothing, will try to build themselves. In the opposite way, the rich people, who have everything, will have little ambition because they already have money and everything from parents. This absolutely indicates the evident of successor. In the first way, people become successor because they build their rich or other from their own. In the other way, people become successor because they gain the wealth or famous from their parents, who can support their purpose.
For example
The Produce

Tan Oish,i Who is succesful


As I assume most of people come from middle class because they have all factor to drive them up to become success but they must have to do hard working too. In the other way, The riches do opposite action.

Blueberry pie

Today life, people need to eat food everyday in order to survive but they aren’t enough for them so they create many deserts to eat after their meal. Blueberry pie is one of the popular deserts and become common for everyone. It gives taste of sweet to make people relax and enjoy because people will make enjoy chemical when sweet thing is in the mouth. Blueberry pie can be made in server way.

The most common formula
First, we need to prepare the materials and they are consisting cracker, butter, cheese, yogurt, blueberry jam and milk.
Second, we have to crash the cracker into dust.
Third, we are going to melt cheese in the pot on the boil water. After the cheese is melted, we are going to mix it together.
Forth, put the mix into the cooking ware about 4 mm thick and wait until it become solid, cookie.
Fifth, Put butter, yogurt and milk in a big bowl and use mixer to mix it smoothly. After that we pour it on the cookie face.
Last, we put blueberry jam on the top. That’s it.

I think it is blueberry pie is the best desert ever because it gives the taste of sweetness and a little bit sour. Also, it is not complex to make it because all of materials are not difficult to find.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Australian man murdered his girl friend in gas station

Today life, many crimes is born by human such as stealing, corruption and murdering. The most victims of these crimes are murdering, which is the most horrible action of human being, because every people deserve a chance to spend their life. There are a shock news about an Australian man murdered his girl friend in gas station. An old man, a 40 years old man, stabbed his girl friend on her body and put oil on her body and fires it. The old man told everyone prohibits assisting her.
A foreign reporter reports the news on first June that he killed his girl friend with victim action at gas station on Bell Sworter area. Then, he ran away but a good guy drove his car and hit him to stop his running. After the police caught him, ambulance brought his girl friend to a hospital but it is too late because all skin is completely burn. Later for a while she is death.

I think he might be some kind of psychosis because In my thought the person who kill other might have some kind of problem and can’t solve so he need to solve it in victim way. I believe that in the deep heart of human, everyone is pure good.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Rice Ball

Rice Ball

Nowadays, people eat food without knowing the history of food. One of the interesting food is rice ball, which create in Japan about eleventh century but we call Onigiri in Japanese. Rice ball derives from white rice designs into triangle shape and warps with seaweed, and it always becomes with salty food such as salmon. Many people misunderstands that rich ball is a form of sushi, despite a common misconception. The rice ball makes from plain rice, which is lightly salted, but sushi is rice with sugar and salt.
In the history, Lady Murasaki wrote about people have rice ball as a picnic lunch. Later, Japanese had a war and stored rice ball in bamboo stick because it is easy to take with. In the war the soldiers have only a short free time to have food so it is the purpose of using rice ball. In the other way rice ball is also easy to prepare and quickly having. In the end, rice ball becomes a part of Japanese culture.

I assume that rice ball is more benefit than fast food such as hamburger and fence fires because rice ball gives a lot of nutrition while hamburger gives fat. The advantage of rice ball is easily and quickly prepare, also cheap price so this is the reason why many worker and officer with low salary always take it for having lunch.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Believe it or not, the best One Stand Up Comedy is Udom Taepanit.

Believe it or not, the best One Stand Up Comedy is Udom Taepanit.

Udom Taepanit was born in September 1st, 1968 in Surin. The first stage of him is See-Toom Square and later become At 10, which had been shown in channel 3. He is a genius person and very famous person because he is an actor, artist and writer. However, those skills are not factor that make him success but he does hard working. In 1995, he became well-known person after he performed One Stand Up Comedy at first time. He got inexpertly respond from his performance and became a famous speaker because he combined all his skill on the stage about 2-3 hours, which is expert skill.
This is all he perform One Stand Up Comedy.

1st, Diew-Microphone, Showing3 rounds at Muang-Thai-Insurance’s Auditorium
2nd, Udom-ShowHui. (Udom-Grocery's Shop), Showing 14 rounds at Muang-Thai-Insurance’s Auditorium

3rd, Udom-KarnChang (Udom-Engineering), Showing 22 rounds at Imperial, LadPlao
4th, Diew4 (Stand up comedy 4), Showing 28 rounds at The Mall, Bang-Kapi
5th, Shine-Diew (Only one Show), Showing 30 rounds at Scala Theatre
6th, Tood-Mouk (Bonny Arse), Showing 43 rounds at Scala Theatre
7th, Diew7, Showing in Thailand 39 rounds at Scala Theatre and in Sydney, Australia 2 rounds at Martin Place, City Recital Hall

These are only some part of his successes. Also, he has written many books too.

I think he is the best because in the history of Thailand, there is no one can perform so many rounds like this and each round takes about 3 hours. He knows how to keep people laugh and focus at him. Also, while he tells every detail of the story.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Japanese hair style

Japanese hair style

Nowadays, majority people want to be different, good looking and fashionable than other. There are many things to help them approach to their purpose such as clothes, shoes, and hair styles which is source of fashions. The most effect on people identity is hairstyle so there is no reason why people pay for it. Japanese hair style is the most popular style that influence to Asian people because Japanese hair style adjusts people face to better looking. Even though, it impacts too many culture but it indicates quietly sight of developing on fashion. Today, people create many Japanese hair styles that are suitable to themselves therefore designer occupation is born in order to design hair style for customer. Designer is significant, and has become factor of fashion but still many old people who is against Japanese hair style because they misinterpret that why is Japanese style? The answer is Japanese style is fashionable and fashion is a symbolic of country glory.



I assume that Japanese hair style brings from Japanese comic because most of the character in Japanese comic always have similar hair style. I agree with Japanese style create good looking face because it can hide bad spots on people face.

American home style in 1900 in mid century

American home style in 1900 in mid century

House is a place that everyone lives and stays over a night. House makes from different material because it depends on what’s age is it and depends on the purpose. For example, the house in Stone Age made from stone to protect the liver in safe but some of them live in cave to keep them warm in winter. The 1900 in mid century most American architect designed house with low horizontal line and open interior spaces. The house is alike informal but impact and strong but it depends on where it was. For example, in downtown there are a lot of building, apartment, condo, dorm, hotel and motel so there are only have high building. Most of downtowns always place on the region that is never having earthquake. In 1900 people realizes that America continent have high risk of earthquake so they creates a low house. The material of house must make from wood because it is unbreakable in earthquake event.

I think they are very intelligent because they see the problem that going to be in the future so they think and solve the problem. It is very obviously that America is very quality in political.

Why people should be careful when they read Japanese cartoons?

Why people should be careful when they read Japanese cartoons?

Nowadays, a lot of people read Japanese cartoons without knowing that Japanese cartoon can create their own new habits that are not necessary good for their conscious. It brings many negative effects on the readers. First reason is that people become addicted. It is very risky for people who read too many Japanese cartoons to become addicted. When they read it, they seem to pay a lot of attention and ignore surroundings in order to fully enjoy them. This can easily lead to serious problem. People can create their own world and spend of time in it. Another noticeable reason is that Japanese cartoons cause violence. Japanese cartoons can affect people’s behavior and attitude. Parents should be very careful because children have less judgment in their action. They can easily imitate violent behavior from the character in Japanese cartoon.

I think parents should give an advice to the children who read the Japanese cartoon because it gives terrible effect mind to the children and become uncontrollable. Also, many Japanese comic or cartoon indicates the character that is unappropiate costume.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is the Segway use for?

What is the Segway use for?
There are a lot of transportations in this world and every kind of them has been used in different ways. In the past many inventor created or developed transportations for suitable in variously situation. A transporter, The Segway is a mysterious invention created by Dean Kamen. The Segway is created on purpose for some group of people such as worker or employee in the factory, who is needed to use them, because these employees often walk in long distant. Dean Kamen can see the problem of them so he invents the Segway which is controlled by leaning of body’s person. This vehicle is an invention that reduces distant and decreases time to moving people. There are many occupations that suitable for this vehicle such as post man, police officer, farmer, ranger and security guard.

I think that this vehicle is significant for majority of people in today life because it might help these employees’ work to become faster. Moreover this vehicle is not complex so it is easy to understand how it is work.

Monday, May 3, 2010



CalmCool is a air conditioner band. The reason I think Calmcool name is the best fit for air conditioner because the word of calm is mean quite relax and the word cool is mean cold. Most cumtomers choose the fimilar name and good meaning. CalmCool implies customers to think about comfortable feeling when they turn it on. Calm and Cool both are positive words so they persuade the customers to purchase it. I point to the hot head personality people to buy CalmCool because the concept of Calmcool is changing people from nervous feeling to relax feeling. The slogan of Calmcool is 'calm make good social'. I will compare Calmcool with the other air conditioner's brand to prove my good. CalmCool has system that auto turn off when it below the temperture and auto turn on when the temperture above the setting. This is a theory that suitable with this poor economic world because it saves money from electricity.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Draisienne, bicycle in 1817

Hobby Horse

Germany's Baron von Drais invented the Draisienne. The nick name of this invention is Hobby Horse. The bicycle made from wood about 80 percent and has no pedals. Riders propelled it by pushing their feet against the ground. The wheels make from solid rubber tires. It is not popular in that time because it is hard to use. It creates for individual person using. This bicycle is very funny shape so there are not so many people use as vehicle in that time because the fact of people, they hate to be different and scare of changing. Also, this vehicle is difficult to control because it is too light and unbalance. The issue of unsuccessful of Hobby Horse is structure of the bicycle and it needs leg energy to move which is a lot more tired than walking by feet.

I think it is not useful because it is require our legs power to push to move the bike. Also, it makes from wood so it is extremely easy to be broken in accident because it makes from breakable material therefore it is one of dangerous transportation.

Why do we need a bicycles?

The purpose of bicycles is vehicle that uses for transport someone or something to other area. Nowadays, people move their home to the place where they can travel to work easily because people is not pleasure to wake up early. People need the bicycle because it is more flexible to travel in traffic jam. For example, the red shirts make many streets into traffic so many people use bicycle to go to work. The bicycles are very useful invention in traffic jam. Bicycle is not only for travel but also do exercise so bicycle is very useful invention because it can do two activities in the same time which is traveling and exercising. Now, bicycle becomes a part of sport in Olympic game. Also, it becomes an invention for World Record for who is the fastest bike rider? Especially, bicycle is very fashionable to students who have no car in the large university because they take long period to travel from dorm to class room.

Why do we need a bicycle?

I think the bicycle is the invention that save a lot of time in short distance. Also, bicycles are cheapest transportation so it is suitable for every age who is the youths and olds.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The hailstorm hit in chiang raii

The hailstorm, which is big about an egg, destroyed the city around 20 minutes. In Waid Puang Kum and Mae Sai regions in Chiang Rai over 500 houses had been destroyed by the hailstorm. the hailstorm destroyed many this such as car electronic and else. People said it might be the biggest hailstorm in this serveral ten years because they have never seen the hail as egg size before.

I think the world is going to change because many natural desaster is pop up in close time. in my thought, the earth that change is because of people. People destroyed environment. People made pollution from thier invention such as car, factory and other else. It is obviously explain the reason of natural desaster.