Monday, May 3, 2010



CalmCool is a air conditioner band. The reason I think Calmcool name is the best fit for air conditioner because the word of calm is mean quite relax and the word cool is mean cold. Most cumtomers choose the fimilar name and good meaning. CalmCool implies customers to think about comfortable feeling when they turn it on. Calm and Cool both are positive words so they persuade the customers to purchase it. I point to the hot head personality people to buy CalmCool because the concept of Calmcool is changing people from nervous feeling to relax feeling. The slogan of Calmcool is 'calm make good social'. I will compare Calmcool with the other air conditioner's brand to prove my good. CalmCool has system that auto turn off when it below the temperture and auto turn on when the temperture above the setting. This is a theory that suitable with this poor economic world because it saves money from electricity.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! Just remember, though, that you only have 3 weeks left to complete your blog! Oh ho!
