Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Australian man murdered his girl friend in gas station

Today life, many crimes is born by human such as stealing, corruption and murdering. The most victims of these crimes are murdering, which is the most horrible action of human being, because every people deserve a chance to spend their life. There are a shock news about an Australian man murdered his girl friend in gas station. An old man, a 40 years old man, stabbed his girl friend on her body and put oil on her body and fires it. The old man told everyone prohibits assisting her.
A foreign reporter reports the news on first June that he killed his girl friend with victim action at gas station on Bell Sworter area. Then, he ran away but a good guy drove his car and hit him to stop his running. After the police caught him, ambulance brought his girl friend to a hospital but it is too late because all skin is completely burn. Later for a while she is death.

I think he might be some kind of psychosis because In my thought the person who kill other might have some kind of problem and can’t solve so he need to solve it in victim way. I believe that in the deep heart of human, everyone is pure good.

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