Saturday, June 12, 2010

Watching TV

Watching TV
Watching television is significant activity because people acquire to know advancement of the world. People don’t pleasure to be out of trend so they need to update in diary. An advantage of watching television is the world's advanced knowledge and fashion. The second advantage is to relax such as watching cartoon. Human is an only organism that is busy all the time so they need to some time to rest. Beside that there are many disadvantages too. First disadvantage is myopic, which are eyes receiving damage from light radiation and become blurry vision in short distance. There is a way to fix this problem that is closing eyes for about five minutes in every hour watching television. The second disadvantage is over advertising about products on television. The products have good and bad side so people have to study on the products carefully. Also, we need a good analysis in order to choose the best product. The limit of watching television is about 7 hours. If we break the rule, it makes a terrible effect, which is dizzy and headache. Many people always turn on television and does something else in the same time become a bad habit. Every time we turn on television the light radiation will affect the people’s eyes anyway.

I think people should not watch television for having fun all day because it is waste of time. Especially, Children should not watch TV over the limit because children need other activity such as sport for growing.

This is a video about children are copying an advertise.

Football betting

Football betting
Nowadays, football betting is spreading currently all around the world. Majority people think that football betting is played by adults but in recently year, this activity is approaching to many youths. Football betting rate is continuing grow from a hundred thousand to ten million people in few years. The football betting ruins many people life especially poor people. Also, many riches become poor cause of football betting. Many middle class come with a hope to be rich in a football game so they take a risk to wager all entire life’s money. There are many problems fellow football betting. If they win, they is wealthy, but if they lose, they suicide. Even though, they suicide in order to avoid a dept that he make but there are family, who is to pay dept for them. Therefore, football is not so popular as much as today because football is a sport to entertain audiences. Later, people create an activity to make football game become more entertainment that is football betting. There are billions dollars circulate between dealer and subsidiary. In some country football betting is illegal but some country is legal. People in some country, they know limit of gambling so government can make gambling as a legal activity.

I think football betting ruin people life so we should not try it even though we play for fun. First reason is trying a football betting make people addiction in betting. Last, when people lose gambling, they want to regain the money.

Football betting website

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pumpkin cannon

Pumpkin cannon
Currently, many inventions are created by human and every invention was created by different purpose. Some of them might create for working and some of them create for playing. People brain is so intelligent such as pumpkin cannon is an invention for playing. Relaxing people is the purpose of pumpkin cannon because people will enjoy and relax when they see something so surprise.

Pumpkin cannon have powerful force to destroy things. It can be compare with a weapon because the power of it can kill people easily. The pumpkin cannon is difficult to hurt people because it is unable to move flexible. It is huge and need time to charge for about 3 seconds. We can say it is alike normal cannon or bazooka that we use in war. Pumpkin cannon uses air pressure to drive pumpkin to a target and impact in an area. Material that making machine or cannon must be tough and strong in order to explode gas and use explode pressure to push pumpkin.

Pumpkin cannon's power photo

I think the one who create this must have no purpose because it is a type of toy for riches. The pumpkin cannon is expensive and waste of money so no many people gather it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Currently, majority people want to be wealth, famous and power but some of them don’t receive a chance to reach what they want. First, a lot of people have a little knowledge, which is very significant to be successor, and the reason, family status is poor so the parents of children don’t have money enough to afford the children to school. Consequently, the children lack knowledge and become unsuccessfully youth when they grow up. Although poor children don’t receive a chance, they have the ambition because people, who have nothing, will try to build themselves. In the opposite way, the rich people, who have everything, will have little ambition because they already have money and everything from parents. This absolutely indicates the evident of successor. In the first way, people become successor because they build their rich or other from their own. In the other way, people become successor because they gain the wealth or famous from their parents, who can support their purpose.
For example
The Produce

Tan Oish,i Who is succesful


As I assume most of people come from middle class because they have all factor to drive them up to become success but they must have to do hard working too. In the other way, The riches do opposite action.

Blueberry pie

Today life, people need to eat food everyday in order to survive but they aren’t enough for them so they create many deserts to eat after their meal. Blueberry pie is one of the popular deserts and become common for everyone. It gives taste of sweet to make people relax and enjoy because people will make enjoy chemical when sweet thing is in the mouth. Blueberry pie can be made in server way.

The most common formula
First, we need to prepare the materials and they are consisting cracker, butter, cheese, yogurt, blueberry jam and milk.
Second, we have to crash the cracker into dust.
Third, we are going to melt cheese in the pot on the boil water. After the cheese is melted, we are going to mix it together.
Forth, put the mix into the cooking ware about 4 mm thick and wait until it become solid, cookie.
Fifth, Put butter, yogurt and milk in a big bowl and use mixer to mix it smoothly. After that we pour it on the cookie face.
Last, we put blueberry jam on the top. That’s it.

I think it is blueberry pie is the best desert ever because it gives the taste of sweetness and a little bit sour. Also, it is not complex to make it because all of materials are not difficult to find.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Australian man murdered his girl friend in gas station

Today life, many crimes is born by human such as stealing, corruption and murdering. The most victims of these crimes are murdering, which is the most horrible action of human being, because every people deserve a chance to spend their life. There are a shock news about an Australian man murdered his girl friend in gas station. An old man, a 40 years old man, stabbed his girl friend on her body and put oil on her body and fires it. The old man told everyone prohibits assisting her.
A foreign reporter reports the news on first June that he killed his girl friend with victim action at gas station on Bell Sworter area. Then, he ran away but a good guy drove his car and hit him to stop his running. After the police caught him, ambulance brought his girl friend to a hospital but it is too late because all skin is completely burn. Later for a while she is death.

I think he might be some kind of psychosis because In my thought the person who kill other might have some kind of problem and can’t solve so he need to solve it in victim way. I believe that in the deep heart of human, everyone is pure good.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Rice Ball

Rice Ball

Nowadays, people eat food without knowing the history of food. One of the interesting food is rice ball, which create in Japan about eleventh century but we call Onigiri in Japanese. Rice ball derives from white rice designs into triangle shape and warps with seaweed, and it always becomes with salty food such as salmon. Many people misunderstands that rich ball is a form of sushi, despite a common misconception. The rice ball makes from plain rice, which is lightly salted, but sushi is rice with sugar and salt.
In the history, Lady Murasaki wrote about people have rice ball as a picnic lunch. Later, Japanese had a war and stored rice ball in bamboo stick because it is easy to take with. In the war the soldiers have only a short free time to have food so it is the purpose of using rice ball. In the other way rice ball is also easy to prepare and quickly having. In the end, rice ball becomes a part of Japanese culture.

I assume that rice ball is more benefit than fast food such as hamburger and fence fires because rice ball gives a lot of nutrition while hamburger gives fat. The advantage of rice ball is easily and quickly prepare, also cheap price so this is the reason why many worker and officer with low salary always take it for having lunch.